

As Canada business, you may be operating in e-commerce already but struggling to match competitor pricing and/or service levels. With missed or damaged shipments and a high amount of return shipments, your write-offs may be excessive too.

Alternatively, your organisation might just be starting to explore the vast opportunities of e-commerce and related distribution channels. Or as an International business you just decided entering the Canada e-commerce market. In either case, you probably feel challenged by the geographic vastness of Canada and by the obstacles to overcome in warehousing and distribution in the B2C space. Without the ability to cost effectively fulfil inter-state customer orders, you may be prevented from entering new markets.

J.P. Sidhu Truck Lines Ltd. understands that adopting a new warehouse and distribution model is a big deal to any retailer or e-tailer. Our experts provide you with advice on how to design world-class fulfilment systems in order to leverage from logistics as a key enabler for customer satisfaction and retention.